Just as Jesus took my old reched heart and made it new.... That's what I do with fabrics. I started sewing when I was 8 years old. My mother was a seamstress out of necessity. We were poor. I mean poor. The neighbor ladies would give my mom their fabric scraps and my mom could put them together and make my sister dresses for school that were so cute. No one else had clothes like us. Sometimes that was good, sometimes bad. But we were too young to know the difference. I always admired her, and inherited her love of fabrics and sewing. I have always been creative and have considered it a gift from God. So I make sure I use my gift to make things that will glorify Him. I love making Bible covers, Bible/church bags, anything with church hymn fabric, and more. But I also love to take clothing that is discarded by someone and turning it into a completely different look. I hope you enjoy looking through my store. Be sure and leave your email for my bi-monthly newsletter (short & sweet) with perks. I will not spam you or sell your info.